
This Standard Operating Procedure describes the normal procedures for the Video Mixer used during a service at Destiny Christian Center International

The Process Steps

  1. Arrive ninety (90) minutes before service:
    1. Power on five (5) Cameras. Slide switch for power is on left side towards rear of camera. Green "POWER / CHG" LED on right side illuminates.
    2. Remove lens caps.
    3. Deploy view screens.
    4. Set friction locks on each camera mount to allow smooth operation in all axes.
    5. Verify green LED on left side (in front of slide switch for power) is illuminated meaning camera is in "FULL AUTO" mode.
    6. Power on the equipment outlined with red tape in the Control Room equipment rack with the switch in the top right corner.
    7. Power on Video Mixer Board and display.
    8. Verify "DSK 1 CUT" button is red to show graphics from ProPresenter on "Program" screen.
    9. Power on Livestream computer, keyboard, and mouse, and display. Log in with password "controlroom".
    10. The OBS Program should boot up atuomatically.
    11. Verify OBS "Controls" menu is displayed (button is blue).
    12. Set "Scenes" menu to "Sunday 01 - Preservice". This button shall turn blue.
  2. Seventy Five (75) minutes before service:
    1. Use sound check time to learn about any instrument solos or particular camera angles you should plan to use.
  3. Twenty (20) minutes before service:
    1. Take your last break before the service begins. Return to your assignment no later than ten (10) minutes before service starts.
  4. Ten (10) minutes before service:
    1. Return to your assignment for the service.
  5. Six (6) minutes before service:
    1. Switch Livestream computer "Scenes" to "Sunday 02 - Set To Black (Start Streaming 9:54 am)". This button shall turn blue.
    2. In the Livestream computer "Controls" menu select "Start Streaming". This button shall turn blue and switch to say "Stop Streaming". The button below it previously labeled "Start Recording" shall also turn blue and switch to say "Stop Recording".
  6. Five (5) minutes before service:
    1. Switch Livestream computer "Scenes" to "Sunday 03 - Countdown Video (9:55)". This button shall turn blue.
    2. Use headset intercom to verify all Camera Operators are at their assignment.
    3. Have Camera Operators verify friction locks on camera mounts allow smooth operation in all axes.
  7. During service:
    1. Switch Livestream computer "Scenes" to "Sunday 04 - Service". This button shall turn blue.
    2. During Praise songs follow song leaders. Get shots of congregation as appropriate.
    3. Avoid shots that show blank walls or empty chairs.
    4. During Welcome To Destiny follow person leading welcome service. Use cameras to get wide angle shots of fellowship within the congregation.
    5. During Tithes And Offerings get close up shots of any offering envelopes or apps on telephones being lifted up.
    6. Video announcements from ProPresenter shall appear in Program screen.
    7. During sermon use all cameras to keep the face of the speaker on screen as much as possible. Avoid putting shots where the speaker is walking / turned away from a camera angle on the screen.
  8. After Benediction:
    1. After the congregation is dismissed, in the Livestream computer switch "Scenes" to "Sunday 05 - Outro Video (After Congregation Dismissed)". This button shall turn blue. Allow the Outro Video to play through completely one time.
    2. Thank Camera Operators for their service. Have Camera Operators power off their cameras, stow the video screen, and fit the lens cap in place.
    3. In the Livestream computer switch "Scenes" to "Sunday 06 - Fade To Black (Stop Streaming)". This button shall turn blue. In the "Controls" menu select "Stop Streaming". A pop-up menu shall appear asking you to confirm you want to stop the stream, select the blue "Yes" button. The "Stop Streaming" button shall turn gray and switch to say "Start Streaming". The button below it previously labeled "Stop Recording" shall also turn gray and switch to say "Start Recording".
    4. Close the OBS program.
    5. Left click on "Finder" (icon in lower left that looks like a blue / white face) then left click on Livestream Backup / Year Folder / Month Folder. The last file should have the date / time of the service just recorded. Rename that file to include the proper Sermon Title / Sermon Series. Close the "Finder" window.
    6. Shut down the Livestream computer then power off the keyboard and mouse. The display shall power off by itself with no video input.
    7. Power off the Video Mixer Board and display.
    8. Power off the equipment outlined with red tape in the Control Room equipment rack with the switch in the top right corner.
    9. Shut down cameras 1 and 5.

Streaming Keys Reference





Funeral March 15, 2025