
This Standard Operating Procedure describes the normal procedures for the Presentation Operator used during a service at Destiny Christian Center International

The Process Steps

  1. Arrive ninety (90) minutes before service for Equipment Set-Up:
    1. Power on the Big Mac computer, keyboard, and mouse. Log in with password "controlroom".
    2. Start ProPresenter program and go to current week's service playlist.
    3. Power on three (3) Sanctuary projectors with iPad or remote.
    4. Power on three (3) Sanctuary televisions with remote.
    5. Power on Confidence Screen with remote.
  2. Seventy Five (75) minutes before service:
    1. Run through all worship songs with Praise Team.
  3. Thirty (30) minutes before service:
    1. Run through all worship songs with Praise Team.
    2. Play Preservice Scrolling Announcements on Sanctuary screens and online.
    3. Play Series Title from Announcement Layer - Sunday on Sanctuary televisions.
  4. Twenty (20) minutes before service:
    1. Take your last break before the service begins. Return to your assignment no later than ten (10) minutes before service starts.
  5. Ten (10) minutes before service:
    1. Return to your assignment for the service.
  6. Six (6) minutes before service:
    1. Switch Preservice Scrolling Announcements to Sanctuary screens only with Countdown Video Cue
  7. Five (5) minutes before service:
    1. Start Countdown Video.
  8. During Opening Scripture:
    1. Set to Destiny background on Sanctuary screens.
    2. Set to Scripture background on Sanctuary screens when host starts reading the Bible verses and follow along.
  9. During Worship Song 01:
    1. Set Announcement Layer - Sunday to background video for worship song 01 on televisions.
    2. Set Worship Song 01 background and lyrics on Sanctuary screens and online.
  10. During Worship Song 02:
    1. Set Announcement Layer - Sunday to background video for worship song 01 on televisions.
    2. Set Worship Song 02 background and lyrics on Sanctuary screens and online.
  11. During Worship Song 03:
    1. Set Announcement Layer - Sunday to background video for worship song 01 on televisions.
    2. Set Worship Song 03 background and lyrics on Sanctuary screens and online.
  12. During Welcome To Destiny:
    1. Set Announcement Layer - Sunday to Series Title on Sanctuary televisions.
    2. Set screens to Frequent Lower Cues as needed.
  13. During Fellowship Time:
    1. Set Scrolling Announcements for Sanctuary screens only.
  14. During Tithes And Offerings:
    1. Set Tithes And Offerings Cue on Sanctuary screens and online.
  15. During News And Announcements Time:
    1. After any live announcements made, play Video Announcements Cue on Sanctuary screens and online.