
This Standard Operating Procedure describes the normal procedures for a Camera Operator used during a service at Destiny Christian Center International

The Process Steps

  1. Arrive thirty (30) minutes before service:
    1. Power on Camera. Slide switch for power is on left side towards rear of camera. Green "POWER / CHG" LED on right side illuminates.
    2. Remove lens cap.
    3. Deploy view screen.
    4. Set friction locks on camera mount to allow smooth operation in all axes.
    5. Verify green LED on left side (in front of slide switch for power) is illuminated meaning camera is in "FULL AUTO" mode.
  2. Fifteen (15) minutes before service:
    1. Check in with Video Mixer to verify your assignment.
    2. Take your last break before the service begins. Return to your assignment no later than ten (10) minutes before service starts.
  3. Five (5) minutes before service:
    1. Use headset intercom to verify with Video Mixer you are at your assignment.
    2. Verify friction locks on camera mounts allow smooth operation in all axes.
  4. During service:
    1. Follow directions from Video Mixer to provide camera shots they request.
    2. If you see your camera view is already on the live screen DO NOT make any rapid changes to your camera angle.
    3. Avoid shots that show blank walls or empty chairs.
    4. During Welcome To Destiny set camera to get wide angle shots of fellowship within the congregation.
    5. During Tithes And Offerings get close up shots of any offering envelopes or apps on telephones being lifted up.
    6. During sermon set your camera zoom to show a little above the speaker's head and down to mid-thigh. Keep the speaker centered on your view screen at all times.
  5. After service and being dismissed by the Video Mixer:
    1. Turn off power to the camera.
    2. Stow the video screen.
    3. Replace the lens cap.