This Standard Operating Procedure describes the normal procedures for a Camera Operator used during a service at Destiny Christian Center International
The Process Steps
- Arrive thirty (30) minutes before service:
- Power on Camera. Slide switch for power is on left side towards rear of camera. Green "POWER / CHG" LED on right side illuminates.
- Remove lens cap.
- Deploy view screen.
- Set friction locks on camera mount to allow smooth operation in all axes.
- Verify green LED on left side (in front of slide switch for power) is illuminated meaning camera is in "FULL AUTO" mode.
- Fifteen (15) minutes before service:
- Check in with Video Mixer to verify your assignment.
- Take your last break before the service begins. Return to your assignment no later than ten (10) minutes before service starts.
- Five (5) minutes before service:
- Use headset intercom to verify with Video Mixer you are at your assignment.
- Verify friction locks on camera mounts allow smooth operation in all axes.
- During service:
- Follow directions from Video Mixer to provide camera shots they request.
- If you see your camera view is already on the live screen DO NOT make any rapid changes to your camera angle.
- Avoid shots that show blank walls or empty chairs.
- During Welcome To Destiny set camera to get wide angle shots of fellowship within the congregation.
- During Tithes And Offerings get close up shots of any offering envelopes or apps on telephones being lifted up.
- During sermon set your camera zoom to show a little above the speaker's head and down to mid-thigh. Keep the speaker centered on your view screen at all times.
- After service and being dismissed by the Video Mixer:
- Turn off power to the camera.
- Stow the video screen.
- Replace the lens cap.